Arc Angel Stun Cane


September 15, 2011

To: Glenn Willey, President of Arc Angel
I am a retired member of the Los Angeles Police Department and I’ve owned and operated Greta’s Guns for over 17 years. Greta’s is a ‘toy store for adults’ and is known as the largest retail firearms store in East Ventura County.

Many of our customers are current or former members of the law enforcement profession. All of our customers are concerned about self-protection, and are knowledgeable about firearms and gun safety. I can report that my customers have shown a strong interest in the Arc Angel products. As an example of this interest, one of my customers had his stun cane stolen out of the back of his car and he came right back to Greta’s to buy another one. Both the cane and the stick sell equally well. Customers are happy.

From my point of view, the stun cane and stick are devices that compliment and fill out the family of weaponry. Not all situations require deadly force – the stun cane and stick are great alternatives. The Arc Angel Original Stun Cane and The Big Stick are high quality, serious defensive tools that can be mastered by the ordinary citizen.

I congratulate you on your patented stun devices. You’ve come up with a great idea. Please feel free to include this testimonial in your business plan.

Chris Biller